彩霞,是在早晚發生的一種光線現象,亦是劃分天空及地面的一層煙霞。麵塑,是眾多著名的傳統工藝中,最能夠表現植物自然美態的一種。設計師加入現代的環氧樹脂物料,透過雕塑及磋琢的技術創作的一件揉合傳統麵塑工藝和現代藝術的擺設, 讓人們慢慢停下來欣賞大自然的美,點綴我們的生活。
Every cloud has its silver lining, so as flowers. "Rosy Clouds" refers to the multi-colored sunset clouds, which also represents the layer between the Sky and the Earth. As one of the homegrown local cultures, dough figurines (miansu) depicts the beauty of natural beings. Together with the contemporary chemical reactive epoxy resin, a curved float is created by using the method of sculpting and molding.